IMPERIALISM: A policy of exending your rule over foreign countries. A political orientation that advocates imperial interest. (worldnetweb)
The practice of one country extending its control over territory, political system, or economic life of another country. (www2.truman)
In the late 1800's, the United States found itself being a powerful and commercial nation. With less concern being focused in the south, the great leaders in industry and politics were thinking of ways to move our great country forward, to secure our economic and military future in the world. They believed ours was a great land anything we could do for other nations would not only help them, but help ourselves as well. (Schiener et al., 1987)
These "Imperialists" began to notice an interesting wave of events. Larger, more powerful nations were taking over smaller countries that offered products and strategical positioning. These resources could help their countries commerce and provide access to other countries. (Beveridge, 1898)
In the 1880's, Africa was being taken over, bit by bit, by Great Britain, France, Germany and other countries. In the 1890's, the same was occuring in China. Not wanting to lose out on the chance at improving our economic future, especially after the economic crisis of 1893, American business leaders and politicians decided to take action. Our country was in a great
depression; one way to get out of it was to increase control of world markets. Aquiring new
territories met this need. We needed "archipelago", a base for commerce, military, and naval operations to protect our country and give quick access to other countries.
In the last quarter of the 1800's, the Phillipines tired of Spanish rule and decided to rebel. The United States pounced on this opportunity, assisted the Fillipinos rebellion against Spain and force Spain to surrender. After defeating Spain, the United States assumes control over Manila, and conquered and colonized the Phillipines. By controlling the Phillipines, the U.S. now has access to raw materials, wood, hemp, copper and other products, that the U.S. was unable to produce, bearing new vitality to merchandising with the variety of goods . The U.S. trade in the Phillipines, once developed, came to $125,000,000 annually,a significant help during an economic downturn. (Pomeroy, 1974)
In addition to commerce the U.S. now has easier access to China. In 1897, China's foreign commerce was $285,738,300. Before taking over the Phillipines, the U.S. only had 9% of this very large pie. China's future was extremely bright for development and goods. By having access to this country, the U.S. could see stability in our own economic future, and a place for a military and naval positions, making it easier for our country to protect itself from hostile countries. (Pomeroy, 1974)
The human interest for Imperialism was to teach these countries how to govern themselves. Our racial superiority had been proven with the great industrialization of our country, and we offered them, if they chose to take it, a better way of life and civilization. (Karnow, 1987)
Schirmer, S., and Shalom, S. R., (1987) "The Philippines Reader".
Beveridge, A., (1898). "The March of the Flag".
Pomeroy, W. J., (1974). An American Made Tragedy: Neo-Colonialism and Dictatorship in the
Philippines. New York, International Publishers.
Karnow, S., (1989). In Our Image: America's Empire in the Philippines. New York,